Energy in Literature

Energy in Literature: Essays on Energy and Its Social and Environmental Implications in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literary Texts

Energy in Literature_CoverEdited by Paula Anca Farca, Colorado School of Mines. TrueHeart Press: Oxford, UK, 2015.
How are sources of energy presented in modern and contemporary literary texts? Energy in Literature shows the connections in twentieth and twenty-first century literary texts between energy, society, and environment. The edited volume includes a substantial introduction, poems on energy, eighteen critical essays from international contributors, and a photo essay. The book explores how authors of recent world literature present energy sources ranging from coal and oil to solar, wind, nuclear, and hydropower, and how these sources affect local and global communities. The anthology focuses on the impact energy sources have on individuals and the environment, and on salient themes including pollution; disposal of waste; industrial landscapes; sustainability;  resource extraction and its economic, social, and developmental consequences; the intertwining between nature and culture; and gender and ethnic identity constructions.