Creative Caucus

The ASLE Creative Caucus is for writers — and also artists, musicians, readers, and any ASLE member who values the creative energy that’s long been at the core of every ASLE conference. The Caucus works to ensure that we continue to create space for creative work within ASLE, on our campuses, within higher education, and within our communities. Our creative responses to the natural world include (but are not limited to) poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, film, performance, visual art, and music.

Interested in subscribing to the ASLE-Creative listserv? Send an email to In the body of the email write: SUBSCRIBE ASLE-CREATIVE Jo Writer. Or send an email to Janine DeBaise at and she will add you to the list.

Looking for the Creative Caucus Facebook? You will find us here or search for “ASLE Creative Caucus” when logged in to Facebook. You’ll find instructions for joining the group at the top of the page.