Calls for Papers



Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting

14–16 October 2023 Toronto, ON, Canada

The IAEP Executive Committee is excited to announce our annual meeting, immediately following SPEP, in Canada’s largest city Toronto.

Keynote Speaker Stephanie LeMenager University of Oregon

IAEP invites proposals for individual papers as well as organized panels on any aspect of environmental philosophy. Papers in areas touching on LeMenager’s work–the anthropocene, resource exploration, feminist and interdisciplinary approaches to environmental philosophy, etc.—would certainly be welcome.

Papers should be limited to 20 minutes reading time, but ...

ASLE at MLA 2024

ASLE invites members to submit proposals on any environmental humanities topic for ASLE-sponsored panels at the 2024 MLA Convention in Philadelphia, PA.

If you are interested in organizing a panel, please direct questions and 200-word proposals to ASLE’s MLA liaison Clare Echterling at by February 10, 2023.

“Recent Approaches to Environmental Humanities. Literary and Cultural Reflections on the Human and More-Than-Human World”

The Journal of Ecohumanism which is published by Transnational Press London organizes a three-day online conference on the topic of:

Recent Approaches to the Environmental Humanities. Literary and Cultural Reflections on the Human and More-Than-Human World.

Dates: 17th-19th of November 2023 Format: online

Confirmed Keynote Speakers of the Conference’s Round Table: Peggy Karpouzou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Roberto Marchesini, Centro Studi Filosofia Postumanista, Italy Pramod K. Nayar, The University of Hyderabad, India Scott Slovic, University of Idaho, United States of America Coordinator: Nikoleta Zampaki, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Environmental Humanities ...

International Conference: Infrastructures of Racism and the Contours of Black Vitality and Resistance

International Conference: “Infrastructures of Racism and the Contours of Black Vitality and Resistance.”

University of Torino (Italy), 23-25 March 2023

This conference intends to explore the continuing and systemic infrastructures of racism, in light of the discriminatory nature of spatial politics and techniques of population management organized along racial lines in the United States. Our entry point into such discussion will be the analysis of material systems—infrastructures— as a tangible trace of the institutional impact on the lives of racialized people in the U.S., from ...

The Interstitial Commons

The interstitial, according to Erik Olin Wright, constitutes a set of marginal practices within a dominant power structure that remain relatively autonomous from the governing logic of that system. From this location, “new forms of social relations that embody emancipatory ideals and that are created primarily through direct action of one sort or another rather than through the state” can take shape, prefiguring a society liberated from the law of value’s unequal calculus (Wright 2010, 324). This panel examines interstitial forms and relations ...

Dig It! Gardening for Social Change

Are there any other ASLE/AESS folks out there who have been involved in starting organic vegetable gardens and/or pollinator sanctuaries on their campuses or in their communities who would like to be part of a panel for the upcoming conference that explores aspects of that experience? Such projects help to “reclaim the commons” in numerous and joyous ways. Gardens and pollinator sanctuaries reclaim space on college campuses for the nurturance of our spirits. They provide spaces for genuine experiential learning related to sustainable ...

RHOME 2023: Representations of Home in Literatures and Cultures in English.

We are delighted to share the CfP for our upcoming RHOME 2023 conference, Representations of Home in Literatures and Cultures in English. (Dis)locations: The Shifting Thematics of Home. The conference will take place at the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon, on the 22nd and 23rd June 2023.

Representations of Home in Literatures and Cultures in English

(Dis)locations: the shifting thematics of home


School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon

University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES)

22-23 June 2023


Extended Deadline 20/01/2023

The ULICES Representations ...

Environmental Cultural Studies in/from Latin America, Spain, and Portugal

Panel proposed at the 2023 ASLE + AESS Conference: “Reclaiming the Commons”

July 9-12, 2023 in Portland, Oregon

This panel seeks to examine diverse examples of cultural production engaging with environmental issues in Latin America, Spain, and Portugal through a critical cultural studies lens. We are especially interested in papers that examine theoretical approaches and cultural works such as film, literature, performances, or music articulated from these regions—and in Spanish, Portuguese, or Indigenous languages—that enter into critical dialogue with global debates surrounding an ecological commons.

Some ...

Disruptive Imaginations

Disruptive Imaginations Joint Annual Conference of SFRA and GfF TU Dresden, Germany, August 15-19, 2023

This conference will merge the annual meetings of the Science Fiction Research Association (SFRA) and the German Association for Research in the Fantastic (GfF). With some overlap in membership and a shared interest and mission, we believe that a joint conference offers great potential for dynamic exchange, constructive discussions, and new insights and perspectives. This expanded focus on SFF allows for a consideration of a wide range of genres and forms ...

(Re)Writing the West

Panel proposed at the 2023 ASLE + AESS Conference: “Reclaiming the Commons”

July 9-12, 2023 in Portland, Oregon

Public lands in the US West are palimpsests of signs, including pictographs, inscriptions, benchmarks, boundary signage, interpretive signage, trail registries, geocaches, maps, field guides, literary texts, and more. These signs and traces of Indigenous inhabitation, colonialism from Spanish, Mormon, and other Euroamerican settlers, diasporic dwellings and departures tear and wrinkle these spaces into both literary and literal topographies. During their first century under public management, these lands ...