Calls for Papers

Call for Proposals: Sowell Family Collection in Literature, Community and the Natural World 2025 Conference

The Sowell Collection at the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library of Texas Tech University is hosting a hybrid conference (virtual and face-to-face sessions) in Lubbock, TX, April 10-12, 2025.

We accept both creative and scholarly papers/panels. Creative work should be grounded in community, place, and/or the natural world. Critical/scholarly papers should deal in some way with writers whose work is included in the Sowell Collection, and/or writers whose work follows, expands, or responds to the Sowell Collection’s themes. We always take a very broad (and ...

ASLE 2025: WLA-Sponsored Panel

The Western Literature Association (WLA) invites innovative paper proposals on any topic that integrates western literary/cultural studies with environmental themes or concerns. We particularly welcome proposals from graduate students and contingent faculty. This panel is sponsored by the WLA, so its placement at the 2025 ASLE Conference is guaranteed. Please submit a 250-word proposal to Jada Ach ( Submission deadline: Friday, December 6, 2024.

Call for Individual Papers and Pre-formed Panels (Louisville Conference)

The Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment will be sponsoring a panel at the 52nd Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900, to be held virtually on February 17-18, 2025, and in-person at the University of Louisville on February 20-22, 2025.

We invite proposals for papers or panels (critical, creative, or mixed critical and creative) on a variety of literature and media, as well as differing subjects and critical approaches.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following: Kinds of ...

ASLE 2025 Panel: Atmospheric Disturbances

This CFP is for the ASLE 2025 Biennial Conference, which will take place July 8-11 in College Park, MD. In accordance with the ASLE 2025 theme (“Collective Atmospheres: Air, Intimacy, and Inequality”), I am soliciting proposals for scholarly presentations that consider the ways in which climate engineering, geoengineering, terraforming (and other related processes) disturb the atmosphere. The panel’s overall purpose is to explore how different representations of and engagements with atmospheric disturbances present opportunities for environmental and climate justice while serving as solutions ...

ASLE Session at NeMLA: Environmental Justice Pedagogy and (R)evolution in the Arts and Humanities

CFP: NeMLA (ASLE Session): Environmental Justice Pedagogy and (R)evolution in the Arts and Humanities Deadline: 9/30/24

56th Annual Convention, Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) March 6-9, 2025 Philadelphia, PA

Environmental Justice Pedagogy and (R)evolution in the Arts and Humanities, Sponsored by the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE)

Drawing on NeMLA’s 2025 theme, this session explores pedagogical approaches that enable students to engage in activism or “(r)evolution” in environmental justice (EJ)-themed arts and humanities courses. How might (r)evolution become more than subject matter in EJ courses, ...

ASLE 2025 Panel: Ecological Struggle in the Age of Genocide

Panel CFP for the ASLE 2025 Biennial Conference, Collective Atmospheres: Air, Intimacy, and Inequality, July 8-11, 2025 at the University of Maryland, College Park.

This panel intends to explore the relationship between contemporary imperial projects of genocide and the prospects for ecological struggle. On the one hand, the genocide unfolding in Gaza reflects a long trajectory of systemic violence committed under the banner of the US-Zionist led state of exception doctrine, beginning in 1948 and extending to the present. Such violence is predicated on ...

Literature and More-Than-Human Encounters in India: A 2-day workshop on Human-Wildlife Conflict in Indian Literature

The increasing prevalence of human-wildlife conflict (HWC) in India has become a critical environmental and social issue. As human populations expand and encroach on natural habitats, interactions between humans and wildlife have escalated, often resulting in tragic outcomes for both. Discourses surrounding HWC are often deeply anthropocentric, framing wildlife primarily as predators and emphasizing human losses, such as crop and livestock damage, typically tied to economic activity. This perspective predominantly highlights negative interactions, with scant attention given to positive encounters or the broader ...

Erosion – Creimeadh: ASLE-UKI 2025 Conference

Association for the Study of Literature and Environment, UK and Ireland, Biennial Conference 2025.

Title: Erosion – Creimeadh

9th August (Online Day); 12th-14th August 2025, University of Galway.

Confirmed keynote speakers: Nessa Cronin, John Brannigan, Malcolm Sen

The 2025 conference for the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment, UK and Ireland (ASLE-UKI) will be hosted by the University of Galway, Ireland. ASLE-UKI welcomes participation from scholars, readers, and creative practitioners interested in the relationships between literatures, environments and cultures – past, present, or future from ...

Sounds of De/Composition: NYU Music Graduate Student Conference

SOUNDS OF DE/COMPOSITION New York University GSAS Department of Music Conference October 4-5, 2024 32 Waverly Pl, New York, NY 10003 | Website: Keynote Speaker: Dr. Marisa Solomon Keynote Performer: Emily Johnson

Within music and sound art, composition is most often understood as a process of creation. In ecology, however, decomposition often refers to a biological process of decay, a breakdown of organic matter necessary for cycles of death and rebirth. As has become clear in our time of entwined ecological and political crises, fragmentation and decay are ...

ASLE-Sponsored Panel @ WLA 2024: Maintenance, Repair, and the Environment

CFP: Western Literature Association Conference, Tucson, Arizona, Oct. 2-5, 2024

This ASLE-sponsored panel asks us to give attention to—and take seriously—diverse expressions of environmental maintenance and repair in literature, film, or other media set in the North American West. Who, or what, maintains or manages lands in the North American West, and what is the nature of those engagements? What is the relationship between maintenance, repair work, and environmental justice? What kinds of ideologies get maintained or reified in narratives that center innovation, and ...

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