Environmental Humanities in Latin America: Encounters between Art, Literature and Science

Deadline: 15 November 2022
Contact: Azucena Castro, Postdoc, Stockholm Resilience Center
Email: azucena.castro@su.se

For this special number of Humanities journal, the first in Uruguay to address the interconnection
between art, literature, and science from the perspective of the environmental humanities, we
intend to cover a pending reflection in the region regarding the locus of enunciation of the
environmental humanities in Latin America. For this, we invite authors to explore experimental,
interdisciplinary, ecocritical, posthuman methodologies as well as materials that, crossing the borders between art and science, produce encounters between the humanities and other
disciplines in situated and corporeal reflections with particular ecosystems, biomes and crusts.
Furthermore, we are interested in Afro-indigenous and rural sciences and cosmologies that
decolonize the centrality of Western science. We propose to think from the ‘unstable geographies’
of the Southern Cone that undisciplined the political demarcations of the nation-state, the
individual subject and the city. We seek contributions that explore other environmental histories, entanglements between humans and non-humans, and other environmentalisms proposed from indigenous, black, queer, precarious, rural conceptions.

Some guiding topics for the articles are the following:

• Other environmental histories in Latin America
• Critical and creative approaches to sustainability in literature/art
• Ontologies and politics of extractivism
• Waste and plastic narratives
• Polluted atmospheres and unbreathable airs
• Loss of biocultural biodiversity in narratives of the Anthropocene, Capitalocene,
• Energy narratives (solar, wind, petronarratives, fossil fuels)
• Cultural studies on unstable geographies (climate change, global warming, climate
migrations, toxicity, extinction)
• Theoretical studies on the interconnection between science, art and environment
• Climate crisis and nation states from a cultural/historical perspective
• Thinking and living with non-human subjects: poetics of plants, animals, mold, eukaryotes,
• Futures and futurisms (decolonial, just, from the margins, multispecies).

The deadline for the submission of papers is 11/15/2022.

Contributions must conform to the editorial guidelines of the journal:
Send contributions to: revistahumanidades@um.edu.uy

Posted on May 2, 2022