
July 8, 2024

(Mis)Conceptions of Antarctica with Dr. Leane

McIntyre Amy

In the second episode of our polar environmental humanities series, we jump from the landscape paintings of the circumpolar north to the southern continent of Antarctica and speak with Dr. Elizabeth Leane at the University of Tasmania. As a Professor of Antarctic Studies, we discuss her work on perceptions of Antarctica historically and also sensorially. From pandemic misconceptions of cleanliness and silence on the continent to science fiction and Antarctic tourism, Leane walks us through the complex histories of the South Pole. We ...

Literature and More-Than-Human Encounters in India: A 2-day workshop on Human-Wildlife Conflict in Indian Literature

The increasing prevalence of human-wildlife conflict (HWC) in India has become a critical environmental and social issue. As human populations expand and encroach on natural habitats, interactions between humans and wildlife have escalated, often resulting in tragic outcomes for both. Discourses surrounding HWC are often deeply anthropocentric, framing wildlife primarily as predators and emphasizing human losses, such as crop and livestock damage, typically tied to economic activity. This perspective predominantly highlights negative interactions, with scant attention given to positive encounters or the broader ...