It’s the End of World as We Know It (and the Hero Survives): Robert Geal and the Psychoanalysis of Disaster Cinema
This month, we’re joined by Robert Geal, lecturer at University of Wolverhampton, UK to discuss his recent book Ecological Film Theory and Psychoanalysis: Surviving the Environmental Apocalypse. We discuss the role that disaster cinema has on our psychological relationship to the environment, environmental disaster, and society’s (in)action towards climate change.
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Twitter: @RobertGeal you have an idea for an episode, please submit your proposal here:
Twitter: @ASLE_EcoCast Jemma Deer: @Geowrites Brandon Galm: @BeGalmIf you’re enjoying the show, please ...
Call for Special Issue proposals: Journal of Ecohumanism
Dear colleagues,
The Journal of Ecohumanism will review special issue proposals and book review ideas for the upcoming issues. Please contact us at for any inquiries.
Special Issue of RCEI (Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses)
Call for Proposals
The Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses (RCEI) seeks submissions for a special issue entitled “Toxic Tales: Narratives of Waste in Post-Industrial North America,” guest-edited by Begoña Simal-González (University of A Coruña), Sara Villamarín-Freire (University of A Coruña), and Elsa del Campo Ramírez (Nebrija University), to be published in spring 2023.
In the late 20th century, we have witnessed a “shift from a culture defined by its production to a culture defined by its waste,” as Cythia Deitering puts it, a development most ...