Deadline: 3/31/25
Contact: Emily Kaufman, MLA

PMLA invites submissions for the special topic Environmental Humanities in Practice.

What is the affordance of literature for the environmental humanities as practiced in various cultural contexts? What constellations of practices in the environmental humanities emerge from its incubation as a scholarly, theoretical, and critical paradigm, specifically through the politics of literary representation and literature’s salience for both pedagogical and activist projects? What literary modes, including experimental ones such as speculative climate fiction, have provided key points of intervention for the practice of the environmental humanities?

This special topic welcomes essays that address any language area or literary period and that assess the past, present, and future directions of the environmental humanities in practice. We seek essays from a wide range of vantage points and methodologies that articulate understandings of the environmental humanities that are accessible and of interest to the broad PMLA readership. Analyses of specific literary texts should emphasize the implications for the environmental humanities. We are particularly interested in submissions considering the environmental humanities as practiced beyond North America and Europe and in submissions on issues and conceptual frameworks arising from the Global South, especially those that examine the relationship between the environmental humanities and the imperative of decolonization across a variety of contexts.

Guest editors: Christina Gerhardt (Univ. of Hawai‘i, Mānoa) and Cajetan Iheka (Yale Univ.)

Read the full CFP here:

Posted on April 29, 2024